Source code for boardgamegeek.utils

:mod:`boardgamegeek.utils` - Generic helper functions

.. module:: boardgamegeek.utils
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: generic helper functions

.. moduleauthor:: Cosmin Luță <>

import datetime
import html
import logging
import threading
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError as ETParseError

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

from .exceptions import BGGApiError, BGGApiRetryError, BGGApiTimeoutError

html_unescape = html.unescape

log = logging.getLogger("boardgamegeek.utils")


[docs] class RateLimitingAdapter(HTTPAdapter): """ Adapter for the Requests library which makes sure there's a delay between consecutive requests to the BGG site so that we don't get throttled """ __last_request_timestamp = None # time when the last request was made __time_between_requests = ( 0 # interval to wait between requests in order to match the expected number of ) # requests per second __rate_limit_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, rpm=DEFAULT_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE, **kw): """ :param rpm: how many requests per minute to allow :param kw: :return: """ if rpm <= 0: log.warning( f"invalid requests per minute value ({rpm}), falling back to default" ) rpm = DEFAULT_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE RateLimitingAdapter.__time_between_requests = 60.0 / float(rpm) super().__init__(**kw)
[docs] def send(self, request, **kw): log.debug("acquiring rate limiting lock") with RateLimitingAdapter.__rate_limit_lock: log.debug( "time between requests:{}, last request timestamp: {}".format( RateLimitingAdapter.__time_between_requests, RateLimitingAdapter.__last_request_timestamp, ) ) # determine if we need to sleep in order to enforce the maximum requested amount of requests per minute if RateLimitingAdapter.__last_request_timestamp is not None: time_delta = time.time() - RateLimitingAdapter.__last_request_timestamp need_to_wait = RateLimitingAdapter.__time_between_requests - time_delta log.debug( f"time since last request: {time_delta}, need to wait: {need_to_wait}" ) if need_to_wait > 0: time.sleep(need_to_wait) RateLimitingAdapter.__last_request_timestamp = time.time() log.debug("releasing rate limiting lock") log.debug(f"sending request: {request}") return super().send(request, **kw)
[docs] class DictObject: """ Just a fancy wrapper over a dictionary """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = data def __getattr__(self, item): # allow accessing user's variables using .attribute try: return self._data[item] except Exception: # TODO Too broad? raise AttributeError # TODO: remove this ? Turn to property ?
[docs] def data(self): """ Access to the internal data dictionary, for easy dumping :return: the internal data dictionary """ return self._data
[docs] def xml_subelement_attr_by_attr( xml_elem, subelement, filter_attr, filter_value, convert=None, attribute="value", default=None, quiet=False, ): """ Search for a sub-element having an attribute ``filter_attr`` set to ``filter_value`` For the following XML document: .. code-block:: xml <xml_elem> <subelement filter="this" value="THIS" /> </xml_elem> a call to ``xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "subelement", "filter", "this")`` would return ``"THIS"`` :param xml_elem: search the children nodes of this element :param subelement: Name of the sub-element to search for :param filter_attr: Name of the attribute the sub-element must contain :param filter_value: Value of the attribute :param convert: if not None, a callable to perform the conversion of this attribute to a certain object type :param attribute: name of the attribute to get :param default: default value if the subelement or attribute is not found :param quiet: if True, don't raise exception from conversions, return default instead :return: value of the attribute or ``None`` in error cases """ if xml_elem is None or not subelement: return None for subel in xml_elem.findall(f'.//{subelement}[@{filter_attr}="{filter_value}"]'): value = subel.attrib.get(attribute) if value is None: value = default elif convert: try: value = convert(value) except Exception as e: if quiet: value = default else: raise e return value return default
[docs] def xml_subelement_attr( xml_elem, subelement, convert=None, attribute="value", default=None, quiet=False ): """ Search for a sub-element and return the value of its attribute. For the following XML document: .. code-block:: xml <xml_elem> <subelement value="THIS" /> </xml_elem> a call to ``xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "subelement")`` would return ``"THIS"`` :param xml_elem: search the children nodes of this element :param subelement: Name of the sub-element to search for :param convert: if not None, a callable to perform the conversion of this attribute to a certain object type :param attribute: name of the attribute to get :param default: default value if the subelement or attribute is not found :param quiet: if True, don't raise exception from conversions, return default instead :return: value of the attribute or ``None`` in error cases """ if xml_elem is None or not subelement: return None subel = xml_elem.find(subelement) if subel is None: value = default else: value = subel.attrib.get(attribute) if value is None: value = default elif convert: try: value = convert(value) except Exception as e: if quiet: value = default else: raise e return value
[docs] def xml_subelement_attr_list( xml_elem, subelement, convert=None, attribute="value", default=None, quiet=False ): """ Search for sub-elements and return a list of the specified attribute. .. code-block:: xml <xml_elem> <subelement value="THIS" /> <subelement value="THIS2" /> ... </xml_elem> For the above document, ["THIS", "THIS2"] will be returned :param xml_elem: search the children nodes of this element :param subelement: name of the sub-element to search for :param convert: if not None, a callable used to perform the conversion of this attribute to a certain object type :param attribute: name of the attribute to get :param default: default value to use if an attribute is missing :param quiet: if True, don't raise exceptions from conversions, instead use the default value :return: list containing the values of the attributes or ``None`` in error cases """ if xml_elem is None or not subelement: return None subel = xml_elem.findall(subelement) res = [] for e in subel: value = e.attrib.get(attribute) if value is None: value = default elif convert: try: value = convert(value) except Exception as e: if quiet: value = default else: raise e res.append(value) return res
[docs] def xml_subelement_text(xml_elem, subelement, convert=None, default=None, quiet=False): """ Return the text of the specified subelement For the document below: .. code-block:: xml <xml_elem> <subelement>text</subelement> </xml_elem> ``"text"`` will be returned :param xml_elem: search the children nodes of this element :param subelement: name of the subelement whose text will be retrieved :param convert: if not None, a callable used to perform the conversion of the text to a certain object type :param default: default value if subelement is not found :param quiet: if True, don't raise exceptions from conversions, instead use the default value :return: The text associated with the sub-element or ``None`` in case of error """ if xml_elem is None or not subelement: return None subel = xml_elem.find(subelement) if subel is None: text = default else: text = subel.text if text is None: text = default elif convert: try: text = convert(text) except Exception as e: if quiet: text = default else: raise e return text
[docs] def request_and_parse_xml( requests_session, url, params=None, timeout=15, retries=3, retry_delay=5 ): """ Downloads an XML from the specified url, parses it and returns the xml ElementTree. :param requests_session: A Session of the ``requests`` library, used to fetch the url :param url: the address where to get the XML from :param params: dictionary containing the parameters which should be sent with the request :param timeout: number of seconds after which the request times out :param retries: number of retries to perform in case of timeout :param retry_delay: the amount of seconds to sleep when retrying an API call that returned 202 :return: :py:func:`xml.etree.ElementTree` corresponding to the XML :raises: :py:class:`BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay :raises: :py:class:`BGGApiError` if the response was invalid or couldn't be parsed :raises: :py:class:`BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout """ retr = retries # retry loop while retr >= 0: retr -= 1 try: r = requests_session.get(url, params=params, timeout=timeout) if r.status_code == 202: if retries == 0: # no retries have been requested, therefore raise exception to signal the application that it # needs to retry # (BoardGameGeek API says that on status code 202 the call should be retried after a delay) raise BGGApiRetryError elif retr == 0: # retries were requested, but we reached 0. Signal the application that it needs to retry itself. raise BGGApiRetryError( f"failed to retrieve data after {retries} retries" ) else: # sleep for the specified delay and retry log.debug( f"API call will be retried in {retry_delay} seconds ({retr} more retries)" ) if retr >= 0: time.sleep(retry_delay) retry_delay *= 1.5 continue elif r.status_code == 503: # it seems they added some sort of protection which triggers when too many requests are made, in which # case we get back a 503. Try to delay and retry log.warning("API returned 503, retrying") if retr >= 0: time.sleep(retry_delay) retry_delay *= 3 continue if not r.headers.get("content-type").lower().startswith("text/xml"): raise BGGApiError("non-XML reply") xml = r.text root_elem = ET.fromstring(xml) return root_elem except requests.exceptions.Timeout: if retries == 0: raise BGGApiTimeoutError elif retr == 0: # ... reached 0 retries raise BGGApiTimeoutError( f"failed to retrieve data after {retries} retries" ) else: log.debug( f"API request timeout, retrying {retr} more times w/timeout {timeout}" ) timeout *= 2.5 continue except ETParseError as e: raise BGGApiError(f"error decoding BGG API response: {e}") except (BGGApiRetryError, BGGApiTimeoutError): raise except Exception as e: raise BGGApiError(f"error fetching BGG API response: {e}") raise BGGApiError("couldn't fetch data within the configured number of retries")
[docs] def fix_url(url): """ The BGG API started returning URLs like // for thumbnails and images. This function fixes them. :param url: the url to fix :return: the fixed url """ if url and url.startswith("//"): url = f"http:{url}" return url
def fix_unsigned_negative(value): # the BGG api seems to return negative years cast to unsigned ints (32 bit) in search results. This function # fixes the values so that they're negative again. if value > 0x7FFFFFFF: value -= 0x100000000 return value def get_board_game_version_from_element(xml_elem): data = { "id": int(xml_elem.attrib["id"]), "yearpublished": fix_unsigned_negative( xml_subelement_attr( xml_elem, "yearpublished", convert=int, default=0, quiet=True ) ), "language": xml_subelement_attr_by_attr(xml_elem, "link", "type", "language"), "publisher": xml_subelement_attr_by_attr( xml_elem, "link", "type", "boardgamepublisher" ), "artist": xml_subelement_attr_by_attr( xml_elem, "link", "type", "boardgameartist" ), "thumbnail": xml_subelement_text(xml_elem, "thumbnail"), "image": xml_subelement_text(xml_elem, "image"), "name": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "name"), "product_code": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "productcode"), } for item in ["width", "length", "depth", "weight"]: data[item] = xml_subelement_attr( xml_elem, item, convert=float, quiet=True, default=0.0 ) return data def get_marketplace_listing_from_element(xml_elem): try: list_date_string = xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "listdate") list_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( list_date_string, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" ) except ValueError: list_date = None data = { "list_date": list_date, "price": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "price", convert=float, default=0.0), "currency": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "price", attribute="currency"), "condition": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "condition"), "notes": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "notes"), "link": xml_subelement_attr(xml_elem, "link", attribute="href"), } return data