======= BGG-API ======= A Python API wrapper for BoardGameGeek_ .. note:: The documentation is a work in progress. You can check out the unit tests for examples on how to use the library. Introduction ============ ``bgg-api`` is a Python wrapper to easily access data from BoardGameGeek_ XML API. It's continuation of boardgamegeek2_, which is an almost completely rewritten fork of libBGG_. Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 modules changelog Features ======== This library exposes (as Python objects with properties) the following BoardGameGeek_ entities: * Games * Users * User collections * Player guilds * Plays * Hot items requests-cache_ is used for locally caching replies in order to reduce the amount of requests sent to the server. .. note:: The cache is enabled by default and it's configured to use memory only. It's also possible to use SQLite for a persistent cache. Installation ============ .. code-block:: shell pip install bgg-api Usage ===== .. code-block:: python from boardgamegeek import BGGClient bgg = BGGClient() game = bgg.game("Monopoly") print(game.year) # 1935 print(game.rating_average) # 4.36166 TODO ==== * Not all the information exposed by the official API is stored into the Python objects. Need to improve this. * Try to support the other sites from the boardgamegeek's family * Allow better control for configuring the cache * Improve documentation :) Contributions/suggestions are welcome! Credits ======= Original authors: * Cosmin Luță (github:lcosmin) * Phil S. Stein (github:philsstein) * Geoff Lawler (github:glawler) Contributions to this fork: * Tom Usher (github:tomusher) * Brent Ropp (github:bar350) * Michał Machnicki (github:machnic) * Philip Kendall (github:pak21) * David Feng (github:selwyth) * Emil Stenström (github:EmilStenstrom) * Bill Sacks (github:billsacks) * Arnauld Van Muysewinkel (github:arnauldvm) Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _BoardGameGeek: http://www.boardgamegeek.com .. _boardgamegeek2: https://github.com/lcosmin/boardgamegeek .. _libBGG: https://github.com/philsstein/libBGG .. _requests-cache: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests-cache